Scientific Papers
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All the following papers are stored in Adobe Acrobat format.
Bernhard Muschlien has been working with Grayfield microscopes for many years. In this series of 3 papers, he looks at the theory and history of pleomorphism and the various stages of cancer. Originally published in the German publication "das SEMINAR"; 3/88, 4/88 and 1/89.
German Language PDF documents:

("The Look into Infinity", parts 1-3)
Bernhard Muschlien, Heilpraktiker, Taunusstein, Germany
A film on the subject has now been released in English that can be seen in the Video Section: "Symbiosis or Parasitism"
German Book on Pleomorphism
Blutsymbionten, Blutparasiten, Blutpilze
Dr. med.Jost Dumrese / Bruno Haefeli, Published by Haug Verlag
ISBN 3-7760-1521-7 (Sold out, second hand copies sometimes available)
The inventor of our microscopes has provided a number of images and material based on observations through the Grayfield microscope.
This includes the "Sanguinogramm" - Highly detailed drawings with measurements of the "cancer virus" seen during the various stages of cancer.
The following excerpts are PDF versions of the relevant sections of that book. Even if you cannot understand German, the images themselves are very interesting.

Legionaires Disease
The Grayfield microscope was used to perform a detailed analysis of Legionaires' disease which led to various articles being published and a film on this research being released.
The German articles can be downloaded here.

(New Discoveries about Legionaires' Disease)
Prof. Heinz H. Baumann

(... allows for the objective discussion of Legionaires' Disease)
Ing. grad. Winfried Hamich
An English version of the original German film has now been released and can be seen in the Video section: "Legionella in vitro"
A large amount of research and analysis work has been done, under contract for various companies and institutions, with the Grayfield microscopes.
Here are some of the articles written that are based on research work performed with the Grayfield microscope.

(More image information through more depth of field, resolution and true colours)
Reinraumtechnik 3-4/89

(New light microscope technology facilitates new insight into plastic properties)
Ing. grad. Winfried Hamich

(Hardly explainable with words - About quallity control for plastics industry)
SI Informationen, 10/85

(Foam insulation on the test bed - Discusses foam insulation consistancy)
Water Treatment

Electrostatic Water Treatment - Creating a protective layer and reductiob of copper solubility)
Dr. Rupert Wögerbauer

(And it does work - New knowledge on the working principle of electrostatic water treatment by analysis with the high power light-microscope)
Dr. Rupert Wögerbauer