SeeNano Lab
The SeeNano Lab series provide the same features like depth of field, color contrast, etc, yet with a maximum resolution of 200nm. Ideal for doctors, practitioners, etc. who need to see more than is possible with bright and darkfield, yet do not need 100nm resolutions. It can be used for observations of live blood and enables blood analysis to be performed in a quality previously not possible at this price level.
As with all Grayfield microscopes, the SeeNano Lab series does not require any staining or oil immersion, is very easy to use and uses an entirely optical system with an extended working distance of about 1mm or more. Due to the use of lower priced optics, as only 200nm is required, the SeeNano Lab costs less than the SeeNano Pro microscopes, for example, and is affordable for clinics and hospitals, doctors and even health practicioners.
The SeeNano Lab series of microscopes are made in Germany to the highest technical standards and available in a wide range of configurations and prices to match your exact needs. Built in a modular way, it is possible to add a wide range of additional features as your requirements and budget allow. As we are a small company, we are able to tailor make the microscope to your needs and budget while allowing for future upgrades as required.
Note: Product images should be seen as examples only and are subject to change.

Darkfield was Yesterday..., See more with Grayfield and in Color!
No more Staining or oil immersion required!
Variable extended depth of field!
Practical resolution: 200nm in natural colors
Variable color contrast even for transparent samples.
Our proprietry grayfield contrast method gives you full contrast images even at high magnifications
No staining
No messy oil
Full contrast
Full natural colors
Living samples
Affordable price
Click on the images to enlarge...
Variable Depth of Field
These images of a defective computer chip demonstrate how added depth of field allows you to have a much better understanding of the problem.

Transparent Samples
This yeast sample was particually difficult to image due to low contrast. By increasing the color contrast, without staining, considerably more details can be seen.
Click on the images to enlarge...
Blood Samples
This series of images from a blood sample were taken from just one slide over a period of 5 hours with the SeeNano Lab and an AMP CCD-camera. By focusing through the layers of blood, both the surface and the insides of the blood cells can be seen.
The sample was taken from the finger with no staining of any kind. Through the use of a white light source, the natural colors are seen. No oil immersion was used or needed.
Click on any of the images to enlarge...
SeeNano Lab-T
(Transmitted light only)
5x turret equipped with three standard objectives for transmitted light:phase contrast (enhanced)
40x darkfield (improved), 60x transmitted/grayfield
Optional 80x grayfield objective, NA 0.9 (extreme depth of field, etc.)
4x special condensers for a wide range of applications
Illumination system for transmitted light (e.g.biological applications)
True resolution up to 200nm with white light source
True magnification possible up to at 4500x
Height adjustable stage
Binocular viewing head with C-mount port for attaching photo and video cameras
20x Ocular lens
Very stable base
Made in Germany
Ideal for biological and medical applications with high demands. The turret is fitted with high quality objectives and a condensor. e.g. for our enhanced positive and negative phase contrast system for brightfield, darkfield and grayfield use.
Staining and oil immersion are not required which is ideal for live cell and blood analysis in their natural colors and in real time.
Full color high contrast images are possible even up to the full resolution of 200nm and variable depth of field allows you to see the images with a sharpness and depth not possible with any other optical microscopes.
Click here to see more sample images...
SeeNano Lab-I
(Incident light only)
5x turret equipped with three standard objectives for incident light:phase contrast (enhanced)
Range of optional objectives to meet your applications, NA 0.9 (extreme depth of field, etc.)
Illumination system for incident light
Ideal for imaging solid objects like electronic components, metallurgy, plastics, etc.
True resolution up to 200nm with white light source
True magnification possible up to at 4500x
Height adjustable stage
Binocular viewing head with C-mount port for attaching photo and video cameras
20x Ocular lens
Very stable base
Made in Germany
Ideal for applications for imaging solid objects in high resolution and in real time. e.g. electronic components, metallurgy, plastics, etc. up to a resolution of 200nm.
Staining and oil immersion are not required which is ideal for imaging computer components, etc. as they are without any added coatings or contrast agents of any kind (remains dry). Unlike other laser scanning based systems, these microscopes work purely optically in real time without the need for computer image processing, etc.
Full color high contrast images are possible even up to the full resolution of 200nm and variable depth of field allows you to see the images with a sharpness and depth not possible with any other optical microscopes.
Click here to see more sample images...
Note: For technical reasons, it is not feasible to build a SeeNano Lab for both Transmitted and Incident light.
Grayfield Technology
Depth of Field: All our microscopes feature variable depth of field where the true colours and contour sharpness remain clearly discernable, even with ever increasing magnifications comparable with that of mid-range scanning electron microscopes. This makes it possible to vary the depth of field independently of magnification, which also allows much more detail to be seen (see image on right), live and in real time!
No Staining, No Oil: The unique optical system provides so much contrast that staining is not required. This allows you to observe the specimens, under a white light source, in their true (living) state, in vivid contrast and true colours even at the highest magnifications. All objectives remain dry as oil immersion is not required.
Grayfield: An entirely new method in optical microscopy is the Grayfield method. This method allows you to see detailed structures that are otherwise not even visible with conventional phase contrast microscopes. For example, the Grayfield method allows you to observe the in-vitro decomposition processes of blood. During this transitional phase new viruses and structures arise, which tend to decay and could previously not be made visible due to the lack of suitable microscope techniques.
Phase Contrast: The phase contrast method is used for all thin-layered structures including fibres and textiles. With conventional methods, focusing is limited by overlapping layers and the structures also have the same fractal index causing the structures to become blurred. The Grayfield technology removes these limitations and provides clear and sharp contours.